Insights & Latest News

2020 Fire Protection are leaders in their field and regularly give-back to worthy charities and contribute to important industry associations, such as Strata Communities Australia, Fire Protection Association Australia and the Facilities Management Association. Below is the latest on what we’ve been up to.

Smoke Alarms & Smoke Detectors – What’s The difference?

These two names are often interchanged; however, they are entirely different devices with alternative purposes. Smoke alarms are self-contained, stand-alone, single or interconnected smoke-sensing devices…

2020 Fire – Finalist in Australian Small Business Champion Awards

Australian Small Business Awards We’re proud to announce that 2020 Fire has been nominated as a Finalist in the Trade Category of the…

Technician Got COVID – Nobody Caught It!

In September a 2020 Fire Protection Technician was identified by NSW Health as a close contact of a COVID case at Eastern Suburbs Legion Club…

Council Fire Order Upgrade Review

Rony Zlochevsky is one of four owners in the block of units in Lane Cove. He is chairman of the strata committee of the body…

April Group’s Facility Manager Reviews 2020 Fire

2020 Fire Protection has, for the past seven years, provided testing and checking for eight buildings managed by the April Group. Their Head of…

First National Real Estate Reviews 2020 Fire

First National Real Estate manages a block of aged studios in Newtown. The building was served with a Council Fire Upgrade order for…

Fines for Late Annual Fire Safety Statements

Does my building require an Annual Fire Safety Statement? If you are a building owner or manager, it’s better to be sure. We can generally…

Strata Fire Protection: Association Preferred Supplier

2020 Fire Protection’s founder Rob Broadhead has been a member of the Strata Community Association since 2001, when it was known as ISTM (Institute of…


2020 Fire Protection cares and keeps people safe from fire in buildings – in fact those are 2 of our 3 defining values. Sure, we…

What happens to 2020 Fire Protection’s name after the year 2020?

Hear why it’s here to stay from our CEO – Rob Broadhead: Our name and our focus have always been based on “20/20 Vision”…